An initial assessment and treatment appointment usually lasts up to 2 hours.
History: a comprehensive and detailed history will be taken
Gait analysis: involves a dynamic assessment of the animal’s movement when led by hand or on a lead on a range of surfaces. For a horse it may also be necessary to assess the gait when being lunged and ridden.
Static assessment: palpation of the musculoskeletal system to ascertain underlying structural problems and assess the condition of muscles and assessment of the range of motions of the joints.
Treatment: depending on the issues found during examination, treatment using a range of manual and electrotherapies will be conducted.
Exercise prescription: a time limited home exercise programme with demonstration and visual guidance may be provided to enhance recovery and support the treatment.
Ongoing: follow up appointments can be discussed between Gavin and the owner. Follow up treatment sessions usually last about an hour.
Reassessment: specific focus on the areas of issue and concern.
Review: collect information on how the home exercise programme has gone and any progress that has made.
Treatment: using a range of manual and electrotherapies that may be of greater intensity subject to presentation and progress.
Exercise prescription: the home exercise programme will be readjusted in line with the treatment plan.